Subliminal Messaging Benefit - 1 of 5 Alternative Weight Loss Strategies

By Kris P Walker

With the extensive and colorful history of dieting, countless weight loss strategies have come into existence. Not all of them have acquired the fame of popular diet programs such as the South Beach diet and Atkins diet have achieved. Nevertheless, it's still interesting to know these less popular dieting methods.

  1. Hypnosis For Weight Loss - This is one of the last methods for weight loss that would cross your mind, but yes, there are actually weight loss hypnosis therapies available. Hypnotism is not only used for bizarre cartoon shows, but can actually be of help in real life.

    With this kind of program, you can visit hypnotist who can administer the proper procedure. You are placed into a state of mind in which you are able to control your food cravings and suppress your appetite. Hence, you wouldn't fall into the pitfalls of overeating and can finally cut down your calorie intake. This then leads to weight loss.

    Because of the mystique stigma attached to hypnotism most people laugh at the mention of this kind of dieting method.
  2. Subliminal Messages - Just like hypnosis, subliminal messaging is used in weight loss. Subliminal messages have been an issue for a long time. There are still institutions that believe the human mind is capable of receiving subliminal messages that are embedded on various kinds of media.

    For instance, you can listen to an audio tape or music that subliminally tells you to control your appetite and not eat fatty foods. The messages that you want to get can vary depending on your need. There are companies that actually render this kind of service. All you'd have to do is tell them what you want to achieve and they can embed a subliminal message to your favorite band's music!

    This is one good way of getting motivation, especially if you lack it, so you can exercise on a regular basis; thus, leading to weight loss.
  3. Stomach Stapling - If you're really into extremes, one weight loss method would be stomach stapling. This entail undergo a medical procedure known as Vertical Banded Gastroplasty. Although it is a Medical procedure, that is used to manage obesity, the whole surgery itself is considered to be dangerous and is only used as a last resort.

    The procedure literally involves staples along with a band. This is used to make a small pouch in your stomach. At the bottom of this pouch, there would be a 1 cm hole in which the contents of the pouch could flow into the rest of your stomach and continue further to the rest of your digestive system. The aim of this procedure would be to regulate your metabolic rate along with your calorie intake.
  4. Acupuncture - Another alternative method is acupuncture therapy. According to traditional Chinese medicine, people tend to have excess weight because of an imbalance within their system. This imbalance is generally caused by malfunctions of your spleen and liver.

    With acupuncture, certain pressure points on your body would be targeted to bring back the normal function of your liver and spleen. The therapy would target the well-being of your endocrine system, which can leave you with a happy disposition.
  5. Massage Therapy And Weight Loss - Another alternative when dieting would be massage therapy. Believers in this kind of method claims that getting a massage can actually help in weight loss due to various reasons. Since massage can enhance one's blood circulation, it is thought that it can increase a person's metabolic rate. This increase in metabolism can definitely expend the stock energy inside the body and leads to weight loss.

    It improves the strength of your muscles, which makes them more fit when exercising. You should understand that getting a massage is only considered to be a support for weight loss and not really a main activity for shedding weight.
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Does Subliminal Messaging Work?
3 Tips to to Make Subliminal Messaging Work for You
By Trevor Johnson
Subliminal messages are a great way to change your behavior for the better. They can be used for self improvement, exchanging bad habits for good ones and much more. You can buy them "off the shelf" or create your own. But how can you make sure that you make them your servant and how can you make subliminal messages work for you?

First off, the reason that subliminal messages work is because they slip straight past your conscious, critical, mind and go direct to your subconscious mind, which takes most things it's told pretty much for granted. It is also good at noticing the smaller details that your conscious mind ignores and subliminal messages tend to be just that - small, bite sized chunks of information for your subconscious to lap up and use.

  • Have a definite purpose in mind - If you were ill and phoned your doctor with the instruction to "make me better" they'd probably go through a series of questions to find out whether you were really ill (or if you were just a hypochondriac) and then narrow things down so that they knew they were treating the precise cause of your problem rather than something vague.

    The same goes with programming your mind with subliminal messages.

    You need to have a distinct result in mind. This could be something like being more confident or it could be losing weight or any other specific goal or purpose. But you need to have this, otherwise you're just groping in the dark.
  • Decide on the best method for you - There are lots of different ways that you can deliver subliminal messages to your mind.
    It pays to investigate the best one for you so that you stand the highest possible chance of success.
    If you're sitting in front of a computer screen a lot then I'd suggest getting hold of a small software program that flashes text messages onto your screen in different locations and at different time intervals.

    You won't consciously notice this happening unless your computer is doing something really intense. But your subconscious mind will see every single instance of every single message and will begin to act on these hidden messages.

    Another popular way is to bury the subliminal messages below an audio track and listen to the track or tracks over and over again. This is the way that most pre-recorded subliminal CDs and MP3s work but it's actually quite easy to create your own version and tailor it to your precise needs.
  • Don't multitask your subliminals - Pick one area to work with at a time.
    Really concentrate on it, to the exclusion of other factors in your life.
    If you do this for a couple of weeks, you'll begin to notice a significant shift in how you deal with whatever problem it was that you're working on with your subliminal message regime.

Then, once that issue is tamed, move on to the next one. And so on. Maybe with a "top up" every month or so to make sure everything keeps going according to plan.

Find out how to make subliminal messages and see how easy it is to create your own subliminal messages.
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